Wednesday, September 2, 2009


hye there. fuhhh. this is my 1st time. (konon mcm neves2 lar ni. hehehe :) ).
salam n good day to all. 1st entry, today 2 sept 2009. cam cantik x date ni?
ok. blog ni actually br jer produce td, diusahakn jgk wpun dri ni spesis yg blur2 IT.

sbenarnye, i'm more interested blog hoping to my fren's blog. mcm yg slalu sy singgah -->
azza,liza,farah,farahashikin,lily (korg jgn marah eh??).
then, after a while, rasa cm menarik lak. so. teracun gk lah nih. hehehehe.
(utk pngetahuan, dh agak berpuluh2 mmbe racun suh bkak ac FB, smpi skang XMO, sbb x minat.hahahaha)

+ve side, lots of things yg kte buleh share kt blog ni. right?

i'll do my best, my blog will be simple n just nice.

to all my lovely frens, kindly ajar ape2 yg patut kay psl blog2 bgi nih. hehehe.


DaZzlingLilLy said...

cantik date ko..tarikh anniversary aku..hehe

my5xurra said...

lily-> thanks. x sngaja. tersama lak ngn anniversary ko.. dh jd anniversary blog ako lah ni..thank setinggi langit for ur support..:) cheers..